What is the EU Customs Union policy?
A Customs Union refers to the complete elimination of tariffs and quantitative restrictions in commodity trade among member countries, so that goods can flow freely among member countries. In addition, between member states rules by consensus on imports from non-members limit policy, outside the customs union no matter which member states into the alliance, the goods will be in the same duties all eu countries products imported from third countries, no matter in which country to enter the European Union, are in the same import duties.
What are the members of the European Union?
There are 27 countries in the European Union. They are:
1. Austria
2. Belgium
3. Bulgaria
4. Cyprus
5. The Czech republic
6. Croatia
7. Denmark
8. Estonia
9. Finland
10. France
11. The German
12. The Greek
13. The Hungarian
14. Ireland
15. Italy
16. Latvia
17. Romania
18. Lithuania
19. The Luxembourg
20. Malta
21. The Netherlands
22. The polish
23. The Portuguese
24. Slovakia
25. Slovenia
26. The Spanish
27. Sweden
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